Shep Gordon’s Memories of Harry

Shep Gordon and Harry Nilsson

The Supermensch himself, talent manager extraordinaire and backstage pass bequeather, Mr. Shep Gordon shares an early memory of Harry.

I was 25 years old and in London for the first time. I was there trying to get Alice Cooper well known. I went to the record company and was taken into Derek Taylor’s oval sunken large office. As I looked around the room there was George Harrison in long white flowing linens fresh back from India, George Melly (an English alcoholic jazz artist who, it was obvious, was idolized by all in the room), and Harry Nilsson in the middle of it all pouring drinks for everyone. Lots of laughs, lots of drinking. The party went on for DAYS. For many years after i was lucky enough to stay friendly with Harry. The common element of all our meetings was having a meal and drink or two. Drunken lunches at ST JAMES club on sunset were the norm … always a lively conversation. I always left Harry thinking how lucky I was to spend time with him. A truly great American artist.

Mark Hudson’s Memories Of Harry

mark hudson and harry nilsson

Mark Hudson, long time pal and collaborator of Harry Nilsson, has accomplished what many thought might never happen. He’s managed to deliver unto us the first album of new Nilsson material in nearly 40 years. In celebration of Harry and of the upcoming release of “Losst And Founnd”, Mark shared just one of his many memories of Harry with us. Thank you for the story Mark and for bringing us more Harry.

So we were in my studio and we were writing songs. Harry said he needed a break to have a smoke which I told him not to but he wouldn’t listen. So he’s sitting there with my brother Brett and I figured since I had time I would put on a record I was working on and sing a vocal. So I get the track up, put on headphones and start singing. Harry was talking and smoking away I could hear him talking and laughing through my headphones which meant it was going on tape. I stopped the machine, turned and said to Harry …” Jesus Harry, cant you see that I’m singing the lead vocal?” He took a big drag from his cigarette, looked at me and said … ” consider it background vocals” That was soooo Nilsson. Funny though… I kept it and when you hear the song ”Give it Back” on my solo album you hear Harry talking through the entire song and I credited him as background vocals.

Harry Skidoos

Skidoo, the infamous psychedelic Otto Preminger film starring a veritable who’s who of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars also featured a young Harry Nilsson, and playing Fred the professor was Harry’s co-star, Austin Pendleton. Here, Austin shares his memories of Harry with us …

I wasn’t in scenes with Harry in Skidoo, but he was a beacon of light on the set of that movie, and then in Miami when we were at the premiere. We had long talks — he told me about his life, and connecting with his biological father again. I remember how moved and excited he was by that, down there in Florida.

I don’t think I ever saw him again after the Skidoo set and its premiere. And I always looked forward, after that, to seeing him again.

Nuts For Harry

Harry Nilsson holding a Brazilian flag

Been looking for a copy of this Brazilian pressing for quite some time. It wasn’t that they couldn’t be found but rather every copy I encountered had been loving embellished with scribbles or “improved” with additional imagery courtesy of the previous owner or owners.

Brazilian pressing of Harry Nilsson's Coconut and Jump Into The Fire

Not entirely sure why this particular sleeve seemed to invite such attention. Perhaps it’s the relatively large amount of whitespace around the main image, perhaps there’s just something about coconuts that drives people a little … nuts?