Harry Nilsson by David Edward Byrd

A while back I stumbled across a rather unique (and rare) Harry Nilsson poster. The only clue to its creation was the name ‘BYRD’ which appears at the bottom. Could this be David Edward Byrd? As it turns out it could and was.

harry -poster

Byrd was the exclusive poster & program designer for the Fillmore East and in 1969 had created the commemorative poster for the Woodstock Festival. Who better to capture the essence of Harry in poster form? I recently reached out to Mr. Byrd and asked him about the work.

The Nilsson Art of which you queried was indeed created in 1971. It was created for Boris Pachowsky at Stereo Review Magazine when they did an interview and article on Harry, who at the time was at the beginning of his game, when the future seemed limitless, the dope was cheap and everyone was kool. It was also used as a RCA Promo poster for the album “NILSSON SCHMILSSON” as I recall.

Harry was one of my favorite artists at the time and I wish I had met him for drinks, but no luck there. I still listen to “A Little Touch Of Schmilsson In The Night” which is a favorite.

Stereo Review Magazine - September 1971

Stereo Review Magazine – September 1971

My thanks to David for taking the time to share his memories of the piece, its creation and his fondness for Harry. If you’re not familiar with Mr. Byrd’s work jump on over to his website now.

Chris Spedding’s Memories of Harry

Guitarist extraordinaire Chris Spedding has played with some of the best, is known for his incredible studio work and has been the member of a number of bands (including a personal favourite, Nucleus) but he was also one of the key components of a Harry Nilsson classic, Son of Schmilsson. I asked Chris if he wouldn’t mind sharing his memories of working with Harry, and happily he obliged.

I just got a call in the usual way from David Katz, a session contractor, or “fixer”. And, as is also usual, I didn’t know who the artist was til I got to the studio.

My memory of working with Harry Nilsson is at odds with all those stories of “lost weekends”, etc. I remember a musician who was very focused, intensely concentrated and who wanted to get the music just right. He wasn’t dictatorial or obsessive, instead he was easy going but very conscious of what he wanted. It was challenging work for us, but very rewarding.

I’m sure he could get loose when he was relaxing, but at work in the studio he was the complete professional and a very talented musician.

Harry Nilsson’s Men At Sea

Another rather nifty artefact – Harry Nilsson’s handwritten lyrics to ‘Men At Sea’. The song was written by Harry for the 1983 Graham Chapman/Peter Cook film, ‘Yellowbeard’. While the song does not appear in the film, it does feature at the end of “Group Madness”, a documentary about the filming of Yellowbeard. The lyrics were gifted to Harry’s friend Bob Borgen. As Bob shared with me,

… I was just over one night and saw the sheet on a table — I think he played me a cassette and then just picked up the paper and signed it, and handed it over. He was hoping it would be used in Yellowbeard, but if you heard it you can see that it is rough and not really finished. I’m glad they at least used it in the documentary about the film.

If you’ve never heard the track take a click over here and jump to the 18:05 mark.


Nilsson’s Tower Records Work Order

Here’s an interesting bit of Nilssonian history from January 20, 1965. The original Capitol/Tower Booking Request and Recording Work Order for four Harry titles. The four tracks included, You Can’t Take Your Love Away From Me, So You Think You Got Troubles, Granada and Do You Believe would all be used (along with their respective B-Sides) to generate an album of sorts by dropping in a couple of then as yet unreleased tracks. Spotlight on Nilsson is controversially referred to as Harry’s “debut album” as it is technically the first Nilsson LP released but it’s really just a compilation of singles from Harry’s Tower years.

The documents themselves are a real historical treat, telling us the call time, the number of instruments used, studio number etc etc. Exciting to think that these simple pieces of paper, in part, mark the launch of such an incredible talent.

