A Rare Portuguese Harry Nilsson Pressing

This is the sort of find I love. During one of my regular internet hunts I was scrolling through a long list of the usual suspects, sleeves I’ve seen a hundred times before when all of a sudden … hold on, what’s this?


Harry Nilsson – Remember (Christmas) / The Lottery Song.

I knew I’d never come across this one before so I immediately snapped it up. The sleeve itself was in pretty rough condition (yes, I often clean up my scans in Photoshop to ensure I’m presenting the best possible images) but the seller was asking almost nothing for it and if you’ve been collecting for a while you learn to grab even a beat up copy of something you’ve never seen before because you never know when you might see another.

Of course it’s entirely possible there are thousands of these floating around Portugal or Angola (where it seems it was ‘edited’) but as I say, I’d not seen it before and after emailing a couple of other Nilsson collectors, they too confirmed this was new to them as well. If anyone out there has a Minty copy they’re looking to part with, I know of a good home.

Announcing Harry Nilsson News!

Since launching NilssonVinyl.com back in June I’ve been very pleased to find there are many others out there who not only share a love of Harry Nilsson’s music but are also avid collectors of his many pressings.

The majority of the items featured here come from my personal collection but I’ve been receiving a number of fantastic user submissions (special thanks to Ramon & Yutaka!). It’s always a thrill to have a fellow Nilsson fan share a pressing you never knew existed or just provide a better quality image of an existing entry.

With greater frequency I’ve found myself wishing I had a way of discussing some of the entries here in greater detail or just share some Harry Nilsson news (yes Harry is still making headlines) and so this News area of the website has been created. For the time being I’m not enabling comments but may turn them on once things are a little more established here.

A note of sincere thanks to my pal Kevin Cornell for his Harry illustrations that will be making appearances throughout the News area. I’d had an idea of the sort of illustrations I wanted to incorporate and despite my feeble attempts to explain these, Kevin got it instantly and produced illustrations that are better than I could have hoped for. He’s a mind reading illustrative genius. If you’re unfamiliar with Kevin’s work – run, don’t walk to his website: http://bearskinrug.co.uk

There are some fantastic new entries to be added to the site and exciting developments are in the works so check back here often where all will be revealed!